Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any amenities?

At present we do not have any buildings for public use.

What about a restroom?

We do not have proper public restrooms, but if you ask sweetly, we will let you use our RV restroom.

What about running water?

We have farm water for irrigation and handwashing.

May we bring our pets?

Very nicely behaved pets on leashes may accompany their owners, who must clean up after their pets. We reserve the right to ask misbehaving pets to vacate with their owners.

How about our children?

Same rules apply. Please ensure respectful behavior around the plants and flowers so that they do not destroy or waste our products.

May we take photos?

Yes, please!!! But if you are not purchasing our products, please spring for a private appointment. We have overhead to cover.

May we bring a picnic?

We welcome picnics, but our picnickers must clean up after their picnics. We reserve the right to ask misbehaving picnickers to vacate. Please bring your own drinking water.

What else do we need to bring?

Please remember that we have bugs and critters that fly and bite, so you may wish to bring insect repellent. Wear comfy shoes for walking and a hat and sunscreen to protect you from the sun or raingear if the skies look iffy. If you have special snips or scissors, you are welcome to bring them, but we have scissors for cutting and containers for flowers and berries.